Has It Hit You Yet

The toys that define us, the shows that we grow up with, the characters that we admire, has it hit you yet how far back in time these iconic factors have gone? If it hasn’t punched you in the face that you are probably not a kid anymore (yeah I’m talking to all you millennials out there) then after reading this it probably will.

  1. High School Musical was 10 years ago (2006)


  2. If you’re still Finding Nemo, you’ve probably been searching for 12 years now (2004)


  3. Hey Arnold is probably about as old as you are at 20 (1996)


  4. Vin Diesel and Paul Walker’s journey on Fast & Furious started a crazy 15 years ago (2001)


  5. If you’re wondering what you ever could do without your smartphone, the first iPhone was made only 9 years ago (2007)


  6. The last shot of game 6 in the 1998 NBA Finals by the legend Michael Jordan himself for some may be like yesterday, but I’ll assure you it has 18 years (1998)


  7. If you would be so kind to share this article on Facebook, the social network is a luxury we’ve actually only had for 12 years now. At the same time, shit… it’s already been 12 years now. (2004)


So if time hasn’t punched you in the face yet, I apologize for being the one to do so. However, the faster we grasp how fast time is moving, the faster we can better spend our time to do the things that will define our greatest memories.

Cheers to tomorrow.

Sincerely Sin.

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